By: Paul Reichert July 9, 2021
The fans got a break from the summer heat but still came out in force to Tomah-Sparta Speedway for another exciting Friday night of racing. There was still a lot of action and heat on the track as usual, but tonight was different with a bit more pride on the line. The Hornet division had their biggest race in track history with the inaugural running of Hornet Hustle as all the competitors were chasing after the extra money on the line in the 20 lap feature event. Davey Pennel fought back several challenges from division point leader Mason Morphy to score his biggest win ever at Tomah.

The 20 lap Oops! Saloon and Grill by Angie Hornet Hustle feature got off on the wrong foot as a few drivers got tangled up with each other in turn one. On the second try Jazelynn Myer quickly shot past Bryan Wallace to assume the race lead. Myer began to open up her advantage over the field in her Dad’s race car, while the front runners were struggling to make their way through the traffic. By lap eight, Davey

Pennel and point leader Mason Morphy were finally able to break away from the pack to move into second and third places. Myer was doing everything she could to add another big win to her Myer Memorial victory from two years ago. Just past halfway Myer’s mirrors would be full of the black 286 machine of Pennel and the yellow 9 car of Morphy. Both drivers powered their way around Myer on lap 12 to take over the top two spots. Now the fight for the win and the big bucks was on between these two drivers. Morphy looked low to dive under Pennel with no luck. Morphy tried to run the high line, but Pennel always got a better run through turns three and four. Pennel maintained his advantage over Morphy down the stretch as he became the inaugural Hornet Hustle champion.

Bill Schott outdueled Derrin Salo to lead the early laps of the Clark Powersport of Hillsboro Modified feature. Fast qualifier Denny Schott was looking for a way around Salo for the next few laps. Schott dove to the inside on Salo coming out of turn two on lap five to take over second spot. Schott tried to close the gap on his cousin up front, but Salo was not going to let Schott get away from him that easily. Schott and Salo made contact with each other in turn two with six laps to go and that allowed Schott to pull away and settle into second. Denny would catch Bill with three laps to go and now the pressure was on the ‘Fire Marshall’ to hold onto the top spot. Denny also tried looking low then high, but Bill was able to fight off the challenges from his cousin to earn his second checkered flag of the season.

The lead in the first four laps of the Sportsmen feature was like a game of catch. It went back and forth between James Hendricks, Jr. and Dan Frye as they battled side-by-side. Frye finally surged ahead of Hendricks, Jr. to take a stranglehold on the top spot on the fifth lap. Frye tried to pull away from Hendricks, Jr., but the black 5 machine was able to keep pace with Frye. Hendricks, Jr. was doing everything he could to find a golden opening around Frey but that opportunity never came. Frye kept Hendricks, Jr. in his rear view mirror as he drove off with his third win of 2021

In the Hobby Stock feature veteran competitor Joey Johnson drove under Andy Muller to take the lead early in the going. The front runners of the division were also struggling to make their way through traffic in the first half of the race. Aaron Hendricks continued showing his improvement in 2021 by taking over the runner-up for Alex Rud spot just past halfway. A lap later Rud would fall back to fifth as both Andy Moore and Thomas Farra used the outside lane to get around him. Hendricks caught Johnson with five laps to go as he moved to the outside in the hope he would claim his first career feature win. A lap later both drivers would get pressure from both Moore and Farra. Johnson was doing everything he could with that cluster of three drivers hounding him over the final four laps. Hendricks was struggling to get around on the outside, while Moore and Farra kept waiting for a slip by the drivers ahead of them. Johnson somehow was able to hold off the hoard of drivers behind him to score his first career feature win at ‘Daytomah’.

Jestin DeLap, Sr. outran Dawsynn Fyre at the start to lead early in the TACU Credit Union Six Shooter feature. The usual suspects were having trouble trying to make their way through the pack to the front. DeLap, Sr. was trying to run away with the feature but a yellow flag slowed the action on lap nine as Andrew Moore looped his race car in turn one. As DeLap, Sr. went back to building up his lead on the restart, two new contenders would give chase to the 83 machine. Veteran Six Shooter racer Tristan Drazkowski and second year competitor Taylor McMullen cracked the top three on lap 11. Both drivers began to reel in DeLap, Sr. over the next two laps, and all three were caught by Matt Moore. McMullen went to the outside of DeLap, Sr. and powered around him to take over the top spot coming to the white flag. Moore would drive around Drazkowski for third on the final lap, but up front McMullen began to pull away from DeLap, Sr. to claim his first ever checkered flag at Tomah.

We have not had a fun and entertaining race for a while, so we called on the Chaos division to provide some fun for a few minutes in the Stop-N-Go race. In this race you had to stop in a designated area on every lap before completing the lap and continuing on with the race. It would be a battle of Six Shooters vs. Soccer Mom Mini-Vans. Charles Vian, Jr. and Clayton Haessig led the way and got into a hard fought battle for the lead. Halfway through the race Vian, Jr. began to open his lead over Haessig to notch his first ever Chaos victory.

Action continues next Friday, July 16 as the Wisconsin Mighty Bandos Traveling Series will make their annual visit to ‘Daytomah’. They will join the Modifieds, Sportsmen, Hobby Stocks, Hornets and Six Shooters in action that night. The Chaos division will also be a part of the show with the always difficult balancing act known as the Tire Race. Gates open at 5, qualifying begins at 6, and the fast and furious racing action starts at 7:30.

Please call the track office at 608-461-1920, visit our web site at or check out the track’s Facebook page to learn more about Tomah-Sparta Speedway and the 2021 schedule of events.

Oops! Saloon and Grill by Angie Hornets
Hornet Hustle (20 laps): 1. Davey Pennel, 2. Mason Morphy, 3. Jazelynn Myer, 4. Andy Barney, 5. Shawn McCarthy, 6. Sammy Linnehan, 7. Jamie Pearson, 8. Bryan Wallace, 9. Zach Oliver, 10. Ben Thurk, 11. Paul Finch, 12. Jordan Finch, 13. Matt Bean, 14. Scott Mahlum, 15. Amelia Marshall, 16. Mike Hennessy, Jr., 17. Tuffy Myer
B-Feature (10 laps/Top two advance): 1. Scott Mahlum, 2. Tuffy Myer, 3. Tristan Finnegan, 4. Tristan Drazkowski, 5. Andrew Gardner, 6. James Hendricks, Jr., 7. Justin Marshall
Heat #1 (8 laps): 1. Tristan Finnegan, 2. Scott Mahlum, 3. James Hendricks, Sr., 4. Tristan Drazkowski, 5. Andrew Gardner, 6. Justin Marshall, 7. Tuffy Myer
Heat #2 (8 laps): 1. Shawn McCarthy, 2. Matt Bean, 3. Davey Pennel, 4. Jazelynn Myer, 5. Sammy Linnehan, 6. Ben Thurk, 7. Amelia Marshall, 8. Jordan Finch
Heat #3 (8 laps): 1. MIke Hennessy, Jr., 2. Andy Barney, 3. Jamie Pearson, 4. Zach Oliver, 5. Mason Morphy, 6. Rob Schliefer, 7. Paul Finch, 8. Bryan Wallace
Qualifying: 1. Mason Morphy, 2. Amelia Marshall, 3. Zach Oliver, 4. Ben Thurk, 5. Paul Finch, 6. Davey Pennel, 7. Jamie Pearson, 8. Sammy Linnehan, 9. Bryan Wallace, 10. Jazelynn Myer, 11. Andy Barney, 12. Jordan Finch, 13. Mike Hennessy, Jr., 14. Matt Bean, 15. Shawn McCarthy, 16. Rob Schliefer, 17. Tuffy Myer, 18. Scott Mahlum, 19. Tristan Drazkowski, 20. Andrew Gardner, 21. Tristan Finnegan, 22. James Hendricks, Sr., 23. Justin Marshall
Clark Powersport of Hillsboro Modifieds
Feature (15 laps): 1. Bill Schott, 2. Denny Schott, 3. Derrin Salo, 4. Kevin Seidler Heat #1 (8 laps): 1. Bill Schott, 2. Denny Schott, 3. Derrin Salo, 4. Kevin Seidler Qualifying: 1. Denny Schott, 2. Derrin Salo, 3. Bill Schott, 4. Kevin Seidler (NO TIME)
Feature (15 laps): 1. Dan Frye, 2. James Hendricks, Jr. Heat #1 (8 laps): 1. Dan Frye, 2. James Hendricks, Jr. Qualifying: 1. James Hendricks, Jr., 2. Dan Frye
Hobby Stocks

Feature (15 laps): 1. Joey Johnson, 2. Aaron Hendricks, 3. Andy Moore, 4. Thomas Farra, 5. Mike Krueger, Jr., 6. Alex Rud, 7. Jason Bolster, 8. Shelby Lockington, 9. Andy Muller, 10. Tyler Vincelich Heat #1 (8 laps): 1. Mike Krueger, Jr., 2. Alex Rud, 3. Aaron Hendricks, 4. Joey Johnson, 5. Shelby Lockington
Heat #2 (8 laps): 1. Andy Moore, 2. Thomas Farra, 3. Tyler Vincelich, 4. Jason Bolster, 5. Andy Muller Qualifying: 1. Andy Moore, 2. MIke Krueger, Jr., 3. Thomas Farra, 4. Aaron Hendricks, 5. Jason Bolster, 6. Alex Rud, 7. Tyler Vincelich, 8. Shelby Lockington, 9. Andy Muller, 10. Joey Johnson
TACU Credit Union Six Shooters
Feature (15 laps): 1. Taylor McMullen, 2. Jestin DeLap, Sr., 3. Matt Moore, 4. Charles Vian, Jr., 5. Dawsynn Frye, 6. Tim Murphy, Sr., 7. Todd Holerud, 8. Dustin McCracken, 9. Andrew Moore, 10. Tory Lockington, 11. Greg Brown, 12. Chuck Muller, 13. Landon Lockington, 14. Clayton Haessig, 15. William Petty, 16. Joshua Zacharias
B-Feature (10 laps/Top two transfer): 1. Joshua Zacharias, 2. William Petty, 3. Jonathan Walling, 4. Austyn Blank, 5. Tessa Wilder
Heat #1 (8 laps): 1. Joshua Zacharias, 2. Austyn Blank, 3. Jonathan Walling, 4. William Petty, 5. Tessa
Wilder, 6. McKenna Rudolph
Heat #2 (8 laps): 1. Jestin DeLap, Sr., 2. Dustin McCracken, 3. Andrew Moore, 4. Chuck Muller, 5. Todd Holerud, 6. Landon Lockington, 7. Devin Glass
Heat #3 (8 laps): 1. Taylor McMullen, 2. Tim Murphy, Sr., 3. Charles Vian, Jr., 4. Matt Moore, 5. Clayton Haessig, 6. Dawsynn Frye, 7. Tory Lockington, 8. Landon Lockington
Qualifying: 1. Tim Murphy, Sr., 2. Dustin McCracken, 3. Taylor McMullen, 4. Chuck Muller, 5. Charles Vian, Jr., 6. Andrew Moore, 7. Matt Moore, 8. Todd Holerud, 9. Dawsynn Frye, 10. Jestin DeLap, Sr., 11. Tory Lockington, 12. Landon Lockington, 13. Greg Brown, 14. Mike Gratz, 15. Clayton Haessig, 16. Devin Glass, 17. Austyn Blank, 18. William Petty, 19. Joshua Zacharias, 20. Tessa Wilder, 21. McKenna Rudolph, 22. Jonathan Walling
Stop-N-Go Race (6 laps): 1. Charles Vian, Jr., 2. Clayton Haessig, 3. Alex Rud, 4. Joshua Zacharias